Monday, November 24, 2008

Rum, maybe? Brandy?

The mint brownie is gone. I gave it to my downstairs neighbour. I just ate the lemon loaf. A little stale, but not bad.

So: I'm pretty stressed out. And lots of the people I know seem to be stressed out. But we really shouldn't be. I mean, if we miss a deadline, it's not as if anyone will die. They'll just be, y'know. Pissed off that we missed a deadline.

Maybe I should take up meditation. Or start doing yoga again.

See? Now I'm stressed about not doing enough yoga. Damn it all.

Ran into some boys from the Arbour Lake Sghool tonight, and was recommended a drink: a stout beer with a shot of Wild Turkey and a shot of... dammit, I've forgotten the last ingredient. I shall have to try every possible variety of liquor until something tastes good.

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