Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Hopkins Happenings - December 2008

Hi everyone,

It's newsletter time again! December is a comparably slow month for me, which is kind of great, since January will be freakin' nuts. Here's what I've got coming up:
  • Body Language
  • Raggedy Ann & Andy
  • Christmas Ham(let)
  • Swimming in Shallow Water
  • Salon de la conversation
  • Roommate Search 2009
Body Language

December 4-6, 8:00 pm
Motel, EPCOR CENTRE for the Performing Arts

Body Language, part of Downstage's Motel Series, features two performances: Do Me, by Jennifer Roberts, and Pouring the Liquid Unseen, by Marie-Ève Bonneau. We've just finished the first week of the run, and there are three performances remaining!

Do Me explores the dance of romance, as men and women clash, crash and unite in a series of vignettes. Pouring the Liquid Unseen invites the audience to a private transformative experience, which combines movement, dance and music for an intimate exploration of healing, improvisation and the fluidity of the human experience.

Plus, there are black lights and naughty words! Don't miss it!

Raggedy Ann & Andy

December 10-12 at 7:30 pm, December 13-14 at 2:30 pm
Vertigo Studio Theatre (base of the Calgary Tower)

In a magical playroom, Babette the French doll is kidnapped by Leonard-the-Looney-Hearted! Raggedy Ann and Andy climb out the window and embark on a daring rescue mission through the deep, deep woods, where they confront swamp monsters, witches and more. Directed by the superbly talented Kristin Eveleigh and featuring a cast of up-and-coming teenage actors, this holiday production is suitable for ages 3+.

Visit Calgary Young People's Theatre for more information.

Christmas Ham(let)

December 1,
8:00 pm
Ramsay Community Hall (1136 8th St SE)

Swallow-a-Bicycle is doing a holiday show! Who would have thought? You are cordially invited to join Claudius and Gertrude for their wedding reception, which swiftly transforms into a 90-minute condensed version of Shakespeare's Hamlet.

Directed by Jonathan Seinen, the show features an all-star cast of Alex Arsenault, Kate Bateman, Ellen Close, Mat Glessing, Len Harvey, Wil Knoll, Simone Saunders and Jordan Schartner! (Wow!) Hamlet is played by Stephen Kent, who understudied for the role this summer at the Stratford Shakespeare Festival.

Should be pretty freakin' cool. Besides, what else are you doing on December 19-20? Shopping? Pssh.

Swimming in Shallow Water

I've started a blog! In theory, I update it daily, though occasionally I miss a day (or six). I need motivation to keep this sucker going, so if you've got some time to kill, check it out!

Salon de la Conversation

Every Monday, around 8:00 pm
Kensington Pub
207 10A St NW

For a couple of years, a group of French-speakers have been meeting at the Kensington Pub every Monday night to... well, drink beer and speak French. It's a great, friendly environment to brush up on your language skills and meet some cool people. Si vous parlez français, j'espère de vous voir au Kensington Pub lundi soir!

Roommate Search 2009

My fabulous roommate, Danielle, is moving out. Boo! So I need a new tenant. Yay!

I have a kickass condo in a great location (off Memorial Drive, just north of Prince's Island Park), so if you know anyone looking for a place to live, please point them in my direction. I'm looking for someone as of January 1, but Danielle will be out in mid-December, so the move-in date is pretty flexible.

Come live with me!

- - -

A nice, laid-back December! Oh, and of course, there are a couple of We Should Know Each Other parties this month (#20 and #21, I think), and if you'd like to attend, just drop me a line.

I don't have New Year's Eve plans yet. Suggestions?

Next month is the High Performance Rodeo, and my life explodes until February. If you want to hang out, let's do it in December!

Farewell, 2008. You've been a good year...

Mark Hopkins

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