Tuesday, November 18, 2008


A while ago, I wrote an article on sleep.

God, I'm optimistic sometimes. "If my work is keeping me up past midnight, it can wait until tomorrow." Pssh.

I need to stop writing articles with embedded resolutions. I don't make New Year's resolutions; why should I make promises I can't keep to an anonymous audience of magazine readers? It just makes me feel guilty when, once again, I find myself pulling an all-nighter.


Had a lovely evening. Caught up with various dear friends. Spoke French. Am exhausted and slightly drunk.

Should go to bed. Probably won't.

1 comment:

chorgs said...

you can make these promises because it feels like paper (or a computer screen) doesn't judge you.
but it does.

p.s. don't drink too much red bull. it's bad for your heart. seriously.