Saturday, September 27, 2008

New York Journal - Part One

Well. Here we are.

I've been meaning to start a blog for some time now, partially inspired by the fabulous Melanie Jones, but I've been having a hell of a time actually taking the leap. Maybe I'll get into that particular problem in a future blog post!

In the meantime, to get my blogging career kick-started, I'm going to cheat and post some journal entries from my recent week-long trip to New York City. Starting with:

September 14, 2008

I'm in the Life Café (as featured in Rent, apparently, though I'm ashamed to admit I can't remember it), about to drink a Sixpoint Brownstone - on the house, because I killed the keg.

A bit darker than I wanted, but not bad.

"Bill Murray wuz here" in December 2004. Neat!

I'm couch surfing with some dudes named Luke and Malik, and it's pretty chill so far. They have a kick-ass penthouse, with two rooftop patios. And a giant TV! And they've been super welcoming; I can only hope they'll enjoy me as a guest. I'm their first surfer, so I need to make a bitchin' good impression.

Fuck. I keep dripping beer on the page.

So. Wow. New York. I'm pretty overwhelmed. So many people, so much life and vibrancy. And a lot of fuckin' buildings, a veritable seascape of them.

I snagged a wicked marinated tofu sandwich for dinner, on Malik's advice. There are veggie options all over the East Village. (I'm in the East Village! I sort of know what that means! Holy shit!)

God, I need to travel more. It's so revitalizing. I feel so goddamn jaded at home. Here, I'm nobody. So refreshing.

The streets and shops are bustling, and it's almost 10:30 pm. What is Calgary's problem?

I don't know where to start here. Tomorrow, I think I'll just walk and see what happens.

I just got pie! Yay! Apple pie; how American of me.

I need to vacation without Calgary jobs hanging over my head. Paris was carefree; all I had to worry about was the Hard Rock, and I barely gave two shits about that place. Here, I'm racking up long distance charges for gigs I barely give two shits about.

Ahhh. My life is nuts, in the sense that it should be way nuttier.

A dude just took my empty plate. I didn't realize he was a server. Mucho disconcerting.

I watched Iron Man on the plane, which pretty much ruled, and The Happening, which was as atrocious as the name implies. God. "The Happening". M. Night Shyamalan should have retired after The Sixth Sense.

What's the deal with Gwyneth Paltrow? I used to think she was huge. Pepper Potts is fairly significant in the Iron Man mythos, sure, but it's hardly a star-studded role.

There's a Life Café t-shirt, but it doesn't grab me. Plain text. I want more exciting, illustrated shirts. A dude on the plane was wearing a hoodie covered in trees, with a cartoon monster peeking out. It was striking and I wanted to tear it from his torso.

I'm in New York! Holy shit!

New York is so drenched in pop culture. It plays an integral role in - what? Marvel Comics, Rent, half the Hollywood films made in the past ten years.

I think I'll visit Ground Zero. It's a site that has greatly affected my life. Why not see it in person?

It's really hot here. I wish I'd brought shorts. I wish I had fashionable shorts.

Alright. Back to the couch!

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