Saturday, March 14, 2009


This weekend is insane.

Leaving aside the usual batch of Swallow-a-Bicycle insanity (Sexual Outlaws party tonight, Spark a Revolution rehearsal tomorrow), I'm performing in a staged reading of Gross Indecency: The Three Trials of Oscar Wilde tomorrow and Monday with Maple Salsa.

I'm acting. Ahhh!

This all started a few weeks ago, when Elan Pratt of Maple Salsa sent out an e-mail, saying that they were in search of nine (count 'em, NINE) male actors to do a staged reading in March. I hadn't acted in a while, and this sounded like a nice low-pressure, low-commitment way to get back into the game, so I signed up on the spot!

... and that's why I've spent about twenty-five hours over the past three weeks in the Theatre Calgary Rehearsal Hall with nine other dudes. Under the expert direction of Javier Vilalta, we can now read out of binders like nobody's business, and I'm confident that we will kick some serious Victorian ass on Sunday and Monday.

It's a long play, and there are long stretches where I have nothing to say or do, which has given me plenty of time to contemplate. And at some point I realised... I don't spend a lot of time with guys.

It's been months since I've had a "boys' night" of video games and beer. I don't watch hockey or soccer or (insert organized sport here). And when I do get together with buddies, it tends to be one-on-one catch-up time.

While a nine-man cast doesn't do much for Calgary's plentiful community of talented and underworked female actors, it certainly creates a unique environment.

The rehearsal hall isn't really representative of your typical male bonding experience (well, maybe it is... we spend a lot of the time half-dressed and stroking each other), but I've been delighting in the opportunity to spend time with dudes. Every time Brad asks me to check the hockey scores on my Blackberry, I mentally pump a fist in the air. As I convey the third-period stats of the Penguins vs. whoever, I am part of the inner sanctum of male-ness. I follow sports! I am man!

Then I nibble on one of Brad's bakery-fresh peanut butter cookies and squeal at its yumminess.

After one of our rehearsals last week, a few of us ended up at the Auburn (where we accidentally caught the first rehearsal of the Calgary division of the Sons of Negus, which pretty much ruled!) and, over the course of two beers and some unsatisfying hummus, we talked about comic books and movies and assorted nonsense. It was rad.

I socialise a lot, but I don't tend to hang out very much. After this show is over, I think I'm about due for a full-on guys' night.

Any takers?

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