Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Wow. I am really bad at daily blogging.

I will soon write a post about last week's crazy-ass dinner, and a follow-up to my burlesque rant. In the meantime, I found out today that an article I published in a recent issue of U Magazine won a silver award from the Council for Advancement and Support of Education. I don't exactly know what that means, but it made me re-read the article. I'm kind of proud of how it came out.

If you have a moment, take a peek. Here it is.


chorgs said...

Good article, and congrats!

On a more personal note, I reread the sentence, "My father died in a living room" about 20 times before I could move on.

Andrea said...

Hey Mark,

I did the Wild Rose detox in January, after the booze and food fest that was December. I liked it, and I'm going to do it (or something like it) again except without the herbal laxatives, which I'm pretty sure are evil.